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Greg Bahnsen

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The man atheists feared the most

Greg L. Bahnsen (September 17, 1948 – December 11, 1995) was an American Calvinist philosopher, apologist, and debater. He was a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and a full-time Scholar in Residence for the Southern California Center for Christian Studies (SCCCS).

During high school Greg began reading and digesting the works of Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Sensing a call to the ministry, he came under the care of the Presbytery of Southern California at age 17. In 1970, Bahnsen enrolled at Westminster Theological Seminary where he studied under Van Til. Three years later Bahnsen graduated from Westminster with a Master of Divinity degree and a Master of Theology degree, earned simultaneously. Moreover, he won the William Benton Greene prize in Apologetics during his time at WTS.

Dr. Van Til considered Bahnsen to be one of his best students in apologetics. Bahnsen’s book Van Til’s Apologetic: Readings and Analysis provides over 700 pages of valuable insight into the presuppositional method. Toward the end of his life Bahnsen devoted significant energy to equipping ordinary believers to defend the faith in everyday situations.

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