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Stay updated.
We're at war.

The world around us is increasingly becoming more anti-Christian. As Christians, we must not be so naive as to think that the world cannot influence us. The devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. It is when we let our guard down that we fall prey without even knowing it.

We are faced with a crisis. The world refuses to think in a manner that is God-honouring. Rather the creature is made ultimate and served rather than the creator. The war is not physical (and hopefully it won't ever come to that), but it's devastating. Babies are murdered in their millions, Christian censorship is increased and God's will is neglected. Churches are becoming liberal and the perspicuity and infallibility of Scripture questioned.

We are at war. There is no neutrality.

Wooden Hut
Prepare for the fight.
Read Your Bible

God’s inspired and inerrant Word was given for many reasons: to teach us, rebuke us, correct us, and instruct us in righteousness; it was also given so that we may be complete and equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16–17). By reading the Bible on a consistent basis, you can find direction for your life and learn how to best serve the Lord who gave His life for you.

If you don't spend time reading your Bible, you are essentially becoming your own guide. Sin will creep in without you knowing it and kill you.


By reading your Bible you will also gain the ability to discern and successfully fight against every idea falsely called knowledge, and proclaim the true knowledge that is found in Christ alone.


A lack of prayer demonstrates a lack of faith and a lack of trust in God’s Word. We pray to demonstrate our faith in God, that He will do as He has promised in His Word and bless our lives abundantly more than we could ask or hope for (Ephesians 3:20). Prayer is our primary means of seeing God work in others' lives.


Because it is our means of “plugging into” God’s power, it is our means of defeating Satan and his army that we are powerless to overcome by ourselves. Therefore, may God find us often before His throne, for we have a high priest in heaven who can identify with all that we go through (Hebrews 4:15-16). We have His promise that the fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much (James 5:16-18). May God glorify His name in our lives as we believe in Him enough to come to Him often in prayer.

Read Widely

Faithful Christians have published amazing works that can be fruitful in preparing for the battle. We've collected some of the best works for you, just click the button below

There are a multitude of online ministries that can further help you prepare. Check them out here:

Join the fight.

The only cure is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The natural man refuses to honour the Creator because if sin. There is no overcoming the divide between Christian thinking and non-Christian thinking without the Gospel. No amount of rational argumentation can bring someone to Christ, only the preaching of Word and work of the Holy Spirit can do that.

Remind yourself what the Gospel is on a daily basis. Talk openly about the Gospel of Jesus Christ (if you find it difficult, use one of our tracts to assist you).

Attend a Bible-believing church.

The reasons Christians go to church on Sunday is because we have been rescued from our sins, united with a risen, living Christ and with each other through faith in Jesus. And because of that union with Jesus and with each other, the Bible, God’s word, calls us to regular, weekly expressions of our corporate joy and thankfulness before God in worship, not just isolated Christian individuals scattered around, but corporate gatherings praying and singing and hearing God’s word and celebrating the ordinances of Jesus.


Some of us may be deceiving ourselves in terms of our own conversion. We may claim to be Christians, but if we love Christ, how can we despise His bride? How can we consistently and persistently absent ourself from that which He has called us to join—His visible church? I offer a sober warning to those who are doing this. You may, in fact, be deluding yourself about the state of your soul. [Ligonier]

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